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Mob AI & Goals


A Entity interface represents entities that has AI, extends LivingEntity. entity like Zombie, Skeleton, Pig, Cow... any entity that has AI will extend on it


This interface is the same as modern Bukkit Mob interface (>=1.12). you can expect to use it the same as them.

Class Interface: org.bukkit.entity.Mob

All Methods

* Instructs this Mob to set the specified LivingEntity as its target.
* Hostile creatures may attack their target, and friendly creatures may
* follow their target.
* @param target New LivingEntity to target, or null to clear the target
void setTarget(LivingEntity target);

* Gets the current target of this Mob
* @return Current target of this creature, or null if none exists
LivingEntity getTarget();

* Enables access to control the pathing of an Entity
* @return Pathfinding Manager for this entity
Pathfinder getPathfinder();

* Instruct this Mob to look at a specific Location
* Useful when implementing custom mob goals
* @param location location to look at
void lookAt(@NotNull org.bukkit.Location location);

* Instruct this Mob to look at a specific Location
* Useful when implementing custom mob goals
* @param location location to look at
* @param headRotationSpeed head rotation speed
* @param maxHeadPitch max head pitch rotation
void lookAt(@NotNull org.bukkit.Location location, float headRotationSpeed, float maxHeadPitch);

* Instruct this Mob to look at a specific Entity
* If a LivingEntity, look at eye location
* Useful when implementing custom mob goals
* @param entity entity to look at
void lookAt(@NotNull Entity entity);

* Instruct this Mob to look at a specific Entity
* If a LivingEntity, look at eye location
* Useful when implementing custom mob goals
* @param entity entity to look at
* @param headRotationSpeed head rotation speed
* @param maxHeadPitch max head pitch rotation
void lookAt(@NotNull Entity entity, float headRotationSpeed, float maxHeadPitch);

* Instruct this Mob to look at a specific position
* Useful when implementing custom mob goals
* @param x x coordinate
* @param y y coordinate
* @param z z coordinate
void lookAt(double x, double y, double z);

* Instruct this Mob to look at a specific position
* Useful when implementing custom mob goals
* @param x x coordinate
* @param y y coordinate
* @param z z coordinate
* @param headRotationSpeed head rotation speed
* @param maxHeadPitch max head pitch rotation
void lookAt(double x, double y, double z, float headRotationSpeed, float maxHeadPitch);

* Gets the head rotation speed
* @return the head rotation speed
int getHeadRotationSpeed();

* Gets the max head pitch rotation
* @return the max head pitch rotation
int getMaxHeadPitch();

* Get if the mob have intelligence or not
* @return true if the mob have intelligence, false otherwise
boolean isIntelligence();

* Allow or not to the mob to have intelligence
* @param intelligence boolean of the intelligence state
void setIntelligence(boolean intelligence);


Handles pathfinding operations for an Entity. Open the possibility to call custom pathfinding without NMS


Class Interface: com.destroystokyo.paper.entity.Pathfinder

All Methods

* @return The entity that is controlled by this pathfinder
Mob getEntity();

* Instructs the Entity to stop trying to navigate to its current desired location
void stopPathfinding();

* If the entity is currently trying to navigate to a destination, this will return true
* @return true if the entity is navigating to a destination
boolean hasPath();

* @return The location the entity is trying to navigate to, or null if there is no destination
PathResult getCurrentPath();

* Calculates a destination for the Entity to navigate to, but does not set it
* as the current target. Useful for calculating what would happen before setting it.
* @param loc Location to navigate to
* @return The closest Location the Entity can get to for this navigation, or null if no path could be calculated
@Nullable PathResult findPath(@NotNull Location loc);

* Calculates a destination for the Entity to navigate to to reach the target entity,
* but does not set it as the current target.
* Useful for calculating what would happen before setting it.
* The behavior of this PathResult is subject to the games pathfinding rules, and may
* result in the pathfinding automatically updating to follow the target Entity.
* However, this behavior is not guaranteed, and is subject to the games behavior.
* @param target the Entity to navigate to
* @return The closest Location the Entity can get to for this navigation, or null if no path could be calculated
@Nullable PathResult findPath(@NotNull LivingEntity target);

* Calculates a destination for the Entity to navigate to, and sets it with default speed
* as the current target.
* @param loc Location to navigate to
* @return If the pathfinding was successfully started
default boolean moveTo(@NotNull Location loc) {
return moveTo(loc, 1);

* Calculates a destination for the Entity to navigate to, with desired speed
* as the current target.
* @param loc Location to navigate to
* @param speed Speed multiplier to navigate at, where 1 is 'normal'
* @return If the pathfinding was successfully started
default boolean moveTo(@NotNull Location loc, double speed) {
PathResult path = findPath(loc);
return path != null && moveTo(path, speed);

* Calculates a destination for the Entity to navigate to to reach the target entity,
* and sets it with default speed.
* The behavior of this PathResult is subject to the games pathfinding rules, and may
* result in the pathfinding automatically updating to follow the target Entity.
* However, this behavior is not guaranteed, and is subject to the games behavior.
* @param target the Entity to navigate to
* @return If the pathfinding was successfully started
default boolean moveTo(@NotNull LivingEntity target) {
return moveTo(target, 1);

* Calculates a destination for the Entity to navigate to to reach the target entity,
* and sets it with specified speed.
* The behavior of this PathResult is subject to the games pathfinding rules, and may
* result in the pathfinding automatically updating to follow the target Entity.
* However, this behavior is not guaranteed, and is subject to the games behavior.
* @param target the Entity to navigate to
* @param speed Speed multiplier to navigate at, where 1 is 'normal'
* @return If the pathfinding was successfully started
default boolean moveTo(@NotNull LivingEntity target, double speed) {
PathResult path = findPath(target);
return path != null && moveTo(path, speed);

* Takes the result of a previous pathfinding calculation and sets it
* as the active pathfinding with default speed.
* @param path The Path to start following
* @return If the pathfinding was successfully started
default boolean moveTo(@NotNull PathResult path) {
return moveTo(path, 1);

* Takes the result of a previous pathfinding calculation and sets it
* as the active pathfinding,
* @param path The Path to start following
* @param speed Speed multiplier to navigate at, where 1 is 'normal'
* @return If the pathfinding was successfully started
boolean moveTo(@NotNull PathResult path, double speed);

* Checks if this pathfinder allows passing through closed doors.
* @return if this pathfinder allows passing through closed doors
boolean canOpenDoors();

* Allows this pathfinder to pass through closed doors, or not
* @param canOpenDoors if the mob can pass through closed doors, or not
void setCanOpenDoors(boolean canOpenDoors);

* Checks if this pathfinder allows passing through open doors.
* @return if this pathfinder allows passing through open doors
boolean canPassDoors();

* Allows this pathfinder to pass through open doors, or not
* @param canPassDoors if the mob can pass through open doors, or not
void setCanPassDoors(boolean canPassDoors);

* Checks if this pathfinder assumes that the mob can float
* @return if this pathfinder assumes that the mob can float
boolean canFloat();

* Makes this pathfinder assume that the mob can float, or not
* @param canFloat if the mob can float, or not
void setCanFloat(boolean canFloat);

* Represents the result of a pathfinding calculation
interface PathResult {

* All currently calculated points to follow along the path to reach the destination location
* Will return points the entity has already moved past, see {@link #getNextPointIndex()}
* @return List of points
List<Location> getPoints();

* @return Returns the index of the current point along the points returned in {@link #getPoints()} the entity
* is trying to reach, or null if we are done with this pathfinding.
int getNextPointIndex();

* @return The next location in the path points the entity is trying to reach, or null if there is no next point
@Nullable Location getNextPoint();

* @return The closest point the path can get to the target location
@Nullable Location getFinalPoint();


Represents a part of the "brain" of a mob. It tracks all tasks (running or not), allows adding and removing vanilla or custom goals

* Add a goal to the target mob
* @param mob the Mob
* @param priority the Priority
* @param goal the Goal
* @param <T> the type of Mob
<T extends Mob> void addGoal(@NotNull T mob, int priority, @NotNull Goal<T> goal);

* Remove a goal from the target mob
* @param mob the Mob
* @param goal the Goal
* @param <T> the type of Mob
<T extends Mob> void removeGoal(@NotNull T mob, @NotNull Goal<T> goal);

* Remove every goals from target mob
* @param mob the Mob
* @param <T> the type of Mob
<T extends Mob> void removeAllGoals(@NotNull T mob);

* Remove every goals based on goal type from target mob
* @param mob the Mob
* @param type the type of Goal
* @param <T> the type of Mob
<T extends Mob> void removeAllGoals(@NotNull T mob, GoalType type);

* Remove a goal based on key from target mob
* @param mob the Mob
* @param key the Key of the Goal, If you are trying to remove a vanilla goal, See {@link VanillaGoal}
* @param <T> the type of Mob
<T extends Mob> void removeGoal(@NotNull T mob, @NotNull GoalKey<T> key);

* Check if the mob has a goal with the key
* @param mob the Mob
* @param key the Key of the Goal, If you are trying to check a vanilla goal, See {@link VanillaGoal}
* @param <T> the type of Mob
* @return true if mob has the goal
<T extends Mob> boolean hasGoal(@NotNull T mob, @NotNull GoalKey<T> key);

* Get the goal instance based on key from target mob
* @param mob the Mob
* @param key the Key of the Goal, If you are trying to find a vanilla goal, See {@link VanillaGoal}
* @param <T> the type of Mob
* @return the Goal instance, null if no key matched
<T extends Mob> Goal<T> getGoal(@NotNull T mob, @NotNull GoalKey<T> key);

* Get the goal instances based on key from target mob
* @param mob the Mob
* @param key the Key of the Goal, If you are trying to find vanilla goals, See {@link VanillaGoal}
* @param <T> the type of Mob
* @return the Goal instances, empty if no key matched
<T extends Mob> Collection<Goal<T>> getGoals(@NotNull T mob, @NotNull GoalKey<T> key);

* Get every goal instances from target mob
* @param mob the Mob
* @param <T> the type of Mob
* @return the Goal instances
<T extends Mob> Collection<Goal<T>> getAllGoals(@NotNull T mob);

* Get every goal instances based on goal type from target mob
* @param mob the Mob
* @param type the type of Goal
* @param <T> the type of Mob
* @return the Goal instances, empty if no type matched
<T extends Mob> Collection<Goal<T>> getAllGoals(@NotNull T mob, GoalType type);

* Get every goal instances that aren't the specific type from target mob
* @param mob the Mob
* @param type the type of Goal to filtered
* @param <T> the type of Mob
* @return the Goal instances
<T extends Mob> Collection<Goal<T>> getAllGoalsWithout(@NotNull T mob, GoalType type);

* Get every running goals from target mob
* @param mob the Mob
* @param <T> the type of Mob
* @return the Goal instances
<T extends Mob> Collection<Goal<T>> getRunningGoals(@NotNull T mob);

* Get every running goals based on goal type from target mob
* @param mob the Mob
* @param type the type of Goal
* @param <T> the type of Mob
* @return the Goal instances
<T extends Mob> Collection<Goal<T>> getRunningGoals(@NotNull T mob, GoalType type);

* Get every running goal instances that aren't the specific type from target mob
* @param mob the Mob
* @param type the type of Goal to filtered
* @param <T> the type of Mob
* @return the Goal instances
<T extends Mob> Collection<Goal<T>> getRunningGoalsWithout(@NotNull T mob, GoalType type);

* Wrap a instance of MobGoals for target mob
* @param mob the Mob
* @param <T> the type of Mob
* @return the wrapped MobGoals
<T extends Mob> EntityMobGoals<T> getEntityGoals(@NotNull T mob);


Represents an AI goal of an entity. Replace the disgusting NMS PathfinderGoal to have clean AI codes

Class Interface:

All Methods

* Checks if this goal should be activated
* @return if this goal should be activated
boolean shouldActivate();

* Checks if this goal should stay active, defaults to {@link Goal#shouldActivate()}
* @return if this goal should stay active
default boolean shouldStayActive() {
return shouldActivate();

* Called when this goal gets activated
default void start() {

* Called when this goal gets stopped
default void stop() {

* Called each tick the goal is activated
default void tick() {

* A unique key that identifies this type of goal. Plugins should use their own namespace, not the minecraft
* namespace. Additionally, this key also specifies to what mobs this goal can be applied to
* @return the goal key
GoalKey<T> getKey();

* Returns a list of all applicable flags for this goal.<br>
* This method is only called on construction.
* @return the subtypes.
GoalType getType();


import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.NamespacedKey;
import org.bukkit.entity.Zombie;

public class GoingBackAndForwardGoal implements Goal<Zombie> {

// The method to clear vanilla goals and insert our custom goal
public static void insertGoal(Zombie zombie) {
final MobGoals.EntityMobGoals<Zombie> entityGoals = Bukkit.imanity().getMobGoals().getEntityGoals(zombie);
entityGoals.removeAllGoals(); // We don't want any other Goals affect our custom goal
entityGoals.addGoal(10, new GoingBackAndForwardGoal(zombie)); // Add our custom goal

private final Zombie zombie;
private final Location location;
private int mul;
public GoingBackAndForwardGoal(Zombie zombie) {
this.zombie = zombie;
this.location = zombie.getLocation(); // Zombie's current location will be center
this.mul = 1;

public boolean shouldActivate() {
return true;

public void start() {

public void stop() {

public void tick() {
// Target Location
final Location targetPos = location.clone().add(2 * mul, 0, 2 * mul);
// If zombie is close to target position, go backward
if (this.zombie.getLocation().distanceSquared(targetPos) < 1) {
mul = -mul;
// Tell path finder go to the Target Location

public GoalKey<Zombie> getKey() {
return GoalKey.of(Zombie.class, new NamespacedKey(SpigotTest.INSTANCE, ""));

public GoalType getType() {
return new GoalType(GoalType.SelectorType.GOAL, 1);